Thursday, April 28, 2011

Race is Not a Factor in This Race... Huh?

Olympic Medalist Carl Lewis: Rejected...

Above is the article that spawned my rant that I am posting today. You can feel free to go there and read what i had to say or you can stay here and continue on. I will be migrating my thoughts from that article into this blog as well as the many replies I got from numerous individuals... Funny how they reacted JUST as I anticipated!

People in general, not any one gender, race or origin will take bits and pieces of what they hear, read, and otherwise know and they will then modify, twist and all out manipulate the things that stick in their minds to work for their agendas... There are 2 topics that this occurrence runs like a rabid squirrel on a caffeine and sugar high... Yes, I am talking about Politics and Religion! Those 2 topics NO ONE reads the entire fact, people will take the parts that work for their agenda or purpose of that moment and they will throw those words at you and or any one else against their ways as if the words them selves were weapons of some sort!

However, on to the article...

One of the characters in the most famous disqualification in Olympic history is dealing with a DQ saga of his own. Twenty-three years after he won a gold medal following Ben Johnson's positive steroid test, Carl Lewis has been barred from a potential bid for a New Jersey state Senate seat.

The nine-time gold medalist, who recently announced his intention to run for the state's 8th Legislative District seat as a Democrat, was booted from the primary ballot by Republican Secretary of State Kim Gaudagno after she determined Lewis failed to meet residency requirements.

"As of the four year constitutional cut-off, (Lewis) did not yet own his home in New Jersey, did not otherwise live in New Jersey, did not file his taxes in New Jersey, was not registered to vote in New Jersey and did not have his business in New Jersey," Guadagno [...] wrote in her 15-page decision. [...]
Guadagno's decision reverses the ruling of an administrative law judge who had recommended Lewis be permitted to remain on the ballot.

Democrats are expected to appeal.

They say Lewis purchased a home for his mother in New Jersey in 2005 and bought another one for himself in 2007. Though he signed the contract that August, Guadagno determined Lewis didn't move in until after the Nov. 8 deadline. She also cited Lewis' recent voting record in California as a reason in her decision. Lewis last voted in California in 2009.

As if this didn't sound enough like a failed 1980s sitcom, Lewis later claimed that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie tried to force him out of the race. (Can we call that a Mary Decker Slaneying?)

"[Christie] couldn't bully Carl Lewis out of the race and the Republican party couldn't make a case stand up in court, so the lieutenant governor did their bidding for them. I fully expect the lieutenant governor's decision to be appealed, and I fully expect Carl Lewis to win and be our candidate in the 8th Legislative District," Senate President Stephen Sweeney, a supporter of Lewis, told

The Christie administration denied the claim.
(end of Article)

This is where I come in dropping my input:

This article makes me think that another million man march is going to happen, then Jesse and Sharpton will be up that the podium screaming to the heavens how this is a race issue... Well, this is clearly not that sort of thing. Another thing to be said is, if there is yet another million man march, well only 20 or 30 people will miss work that day! I just find it so ironic and VERY hypocritical how all minorities and foreigners can have their march, or club, or gatherings... As soon as a cluster of white guys get together! Every one screams foul! There is the NAACP, there is the Negro College Fund, there are many colleges and institutions that support clubs like: The Asian Club, or Gay and Lesbian Rights! That is all FINE and dandy! I truly believe that! However HOLD ALL races ad genders to the same light and guidelines... Oh wait, this is the land of tolerance and acceptance... Funny, I am never accepted and rarely tolerated! I just cannot wrap my head around the fact that almost every one is given opportunities to excel and advance except the everyday common white guy! I keep hearing how I have no room to feel depressed or down due to the fact that I am holding others back... HOW!? I am paying taxes that every one else is benefiting from! I am one of many making it possible for the free loaders to go further and have more than I can give my own family! Nothing in life worth having comes easy! I know that! Nothing worth having comes free either. I only want what is fare. People in history, of different ethnic origin and even women fought for EQUAL rights! Well, take the time and examine... The rights we have are FAR from equal!

Prior to any actual replies to my comment, I wrote this:
Wow... I have to admit I anticipated that! 4 minutes after posting and 2 thumbs down! I know for a fact that the people that gave me poor ratings were too lazy or too concerned with their delusions of reality being tainted they felt compelled to rate with out finishing the post! Another outstanding example of the American public!

"Sammy" a Yahoo user wrote:
Your comment has about ten times the number of words as the number in your IQ. But it's OK caus' you're just a poor white guy that can't catch a break, right? Look around you and count how many minority people are in charge of things in this country. Not that many huh? You were just born 150 years too late. You need to be in the South in 1860, you'd be more comfortable. I' m glad that you're in the minority on this one.

Another score for me:
Holy crap! 17 minutes and 1 up and 5 down! Funny how no one see fit to really ACCEPT responsibility for their actions or accept liability! Always pushing the envelope on some one else... Oh, wait.. I am mistaken! You people hitting me with negatives are not only denying actual fact, but you are embracing the ignorance that has been pounded and pushed into you very core! When we finally SEE one another as equals THEN and ONLY THEN can we come together as one! Till then we will continue to struggle and fight, while those in power will sit back as the chaos ensues! Te men and women in the elected seats love watching us squabble over table scraps while they eat all they can! God, I love this country!

"Lynn" a random Yahoo user posted:
i agree with you completely my wife and i go to college full time during the week and i work on the weekends to put food on the table and she stays home so save money on day care for the two kids. She drives a car that her brother gave us for a wedding present and i am driving an 83 pick up that is horrible on gas. I have people who live right next door to us that don't have real jobs other than what they sell behind closed doors(drugs) driving around in brand new cars that they get from being on welfare. it completely @#$% trying to survive when you're white.

"Sappy72" chimed in:
Forget it Drew. You're talking to another brain dead member of the " White Man is Keeping Me Down" club.
It's easier to blame others for your plight than do something about it. Large blocks of minorities vote people into office, yet it's the white man's fault for their problem. I'm just curious... what happens when whites become the minority in this country? Are we still going to be blamed for what's going on?

"Ninja Indian" had to chime in with their message of hate...
You can have your march, too. The KKK is still around. There are plenty of white supremecist hate groups to choose from. Why not move to Idaho or West Virginia? If you're rarely tolerated, that's likely a personal issue.

"Danny" yet another Yahoo user spilled some stupidity!
I'm just a poor white guy that had to quit school my senior year cause I got my girlfriend pregnant & did the right thing. I married her but it was because i loved her. Now to the real deal. I quit school but I didnt give up & start whining about it, I've worked hard to get here but I make over 250K a year so quit your whining & do something for yourself & your family. If yo daddy told you life was gonna be easy he lied & if you thought it was true no amount of college is gonna help you!!!

I felt the need to reply at this point, this is what i had to say:
Again... There are some users that actually TAKE the time to read what I said... They took in the fact that I AM working towards something! People that took pieces of what I said and are throwing the PARTS AND BITS at me and using my own words as weapons against me have NO CLUE what you are talking about! NONE! I am still working towards a degree! I am merely stating that things are NOT fare, and that if we are truly equal, we should have equal opportunities and WE DO NOT! As far as Danny saying that was lied to and no amount of school is going to help me? AGAIN You are flipping IGNORANT! You DANNY! You need to RE-READ my comments you flipping moron! If you think for one minute that I will ever believe you make more than $40K a year? Let alone $250K? You are full of it, I need to bust out the waders cause stuff is getting REALLY DEEP!

This string of comments I am getting is again a SHINING example of how blatantly IGNORANT people are! No one is seeing that MINORITIES and other groups are not and will never be held accountable for their actions and there will ALWAYS be prejudice against some one!

EVEN IF by some miracle people opened their eyes and their minds and accepted the fact that we are ALL human, not just black, white, yellow, or brown... Then the world would spin in a lot smoother harmony...

However, other hatreds and prejudice would surface even more... People would FIND OTHER reasons for discrimination and our forms of prejudice! We find it a requirement to put one another down and in doing so it makes us fee better... You people that are bashing me again HAVE less intelligence than you will ever admit or try to understand! I would like nothing more than an even shot... But every one else is still too busy throwing mud in every one else's faces in hopes of gaining an edge!

To those that took the time to read and UNDERSTAND what I am trying to convey... Thank you! The people that agreed and understood I feel are more enlightened and hopefully they will actually take my words and think a little harder about how they proceed in life... The rest of you who would rather attack me and twist my words against me... Sit and spin!

After this, no one cared to drop any more nuggets of idiocy... 
On my way to work this morning I have to admit that the amount of tongue lashings and verbal bashings I am taking on my comments here struck a cord! I was thinking back to another job I had a couple of years ago... I was working for a rental chain, I was a delivery and repo guy for said facility. When you go to one of the various rental places you have to hand out your personal info, such as your monthly/annual income, your recurrent bills as far as utilities and RENT! Then you have to disclose your source of income... There was one customer who did not sign all the paperwork and so when me and the other guy I was teamed with went to deliver, we needed to get the customer to finish signing the papers that were over looked. I noticed that this customer had a federal assistance program listed as sole income source. OK, fine some people are stuck there... I do understand that! However what REALLY chapped my backside was the fact that when my team mate and I pulled into the drive way I was still looking at the paper work to clarify where the signature(s) were needed. I saw that this customer had a 4 bedroom house that he was paying $18 a month for rent... Can you say Section 8 or HUD!? That did bother me to an extent cause I was paying MUCH more for a crappy 1 bedroom with no A/C! However the real slap in the face is when I looked out the window and saw not 1 but yes 2 brand new H3 Hummers sitting in the driveway. Either welfare pays really well, or they had some form of income that we did not get to know about and I am QUITE sure that Uncle Sam and the local authorities had NO clue of! Wow, I love how when I play by the rules and abide by the laws I am screwed but the people of all colors find loop holes and ways to manipulate the system... They make out like a bandit! LOVE the system... 

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