Saturday, April 30, 2011

Don't Worry About the Mace, Just Makes them Hornier!

The U.S. envoy to the United Nations told the Security Council on Thursday that troops loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi were increasingly engaging in sexual violence and some had been issued the impotency drug Viagra, diplomats said.

Several U.N. diplomats who attended a closed-door Security Council meeting on Libya told Reuters that U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice raised the Viagra issue in the context increasing reports of sexual violence by Gaddafi's troops.

"Rice raised that in the meeting but no one responded," a diplomat said on condition of anonymity. The allegation was first reported by a British newspaper.

Pfizer Inc's drug Viagra is used to treat impotence.If it is true that Gaddafi's troops are being issued Viagra, diplomats said, it could indicate that they are being encouraged by their commanders to engage in rape to terrorize the population in areas that have supported the rebels.The use of rape as a weapon during wartime has received increasing attention at the United Nations. Last year, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon appointed a special envoy on sexual violence during armed conflict, Margot Wallstrom.

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Earlier this month, Wallstrom chided the Security Council for failing to mention sexual violence in two recent resolutions on Libya, despite having made the subject a priority. Wallstrom said at the time that reports of rape in Libya remained unconfirmed but cited the highly publicized case of Eman al-Obaidi, the woman who burst into a journalists' hotel in Tripoli last month saying she had been raped by pro-government militiamen.

The International Criminal Court is already investigating whether Gaddafi's government committed war crimes in its violent crackdown against demonstrators who demanded greater freedoms. The crackdown sparked a rebellion that has turned into a civil war.
The U.S. mission to the United Nations declined to comment.

My Input Begins Here
Rape is not something that should be condoned, promoted and or used as any form of tactics!

Not only is this happening abroad, it is being encouraged, and these would be rapists are being rewarded with their brutal actions are being aided with the medical marvels that are male sexual enhancements!

Looking at this happening, what is next? Giving necrophiliacs grants for college to become morticians? 

Rape happens every day! If the statistics i have found on this hold true, then in the U.S. alone there is a violent crime taking place every 22.8 seconds. There are estimations that there is a sexual assault and or rape ever 127 seconds, that my friends is 1 rape or sexual assault ever 2:07 of every day. That is almost 30 an hour... The kicker to that statistic is that those numbers do not include 12yrs old or younger. 

In the time it has taken me to read and write my comments on this... People all over the U.S. and even more around the world have been assaulted and or killed, at best they got away without too much harm however their perspective will be altered forever.

The situation of using rape as a scare or terror tactic is downright sick! Not only should the commanders and the troops be held accountable, they should be placed in a rather "friendly" maximum security prison and make sure there is NO lube available by any means! Then after they have been introduced to Dick Hurtz and Ben Dover, water board them, and why not... Disembowel them where they lay after having been passed around the population a few times!

Just saying!

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