Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Nobama Vs. Recession... Time we worry about HOME!

Just a thought from an everyday random citizen and taxpayer...

Nobama is showing concern for preventing a "World Wide Recession"? Really? Well, if we would have NOT started with the liberal bleeding heart garbage of bailing every one else out, keeping OUR tax dollars here and taking care of our own, I am sure that the other countries would have been just fine!

99.something % of of us here are or were immigrants at one time in our lineage or another. Unless of course you happen to be Native American. However, we the people stole this land and then fought to become OUR OWN nation! Our forefathers fought and died over the course of several years due to the tax rates that the Monarchy enforced from across the sea. Now, we have sat back idly by and watched while certain aspects of life and freedom evolved, while other parts were literally stripped from our hands! In the current state of things, we are shelling money to every country hand over fist! WHY!? I am sitting here asking WHY!?

We will never see any refund or compensation for the war in Iraq! We will NEVER see one dime from Libya! None the less, we the people are paying to defend people who either hate us now or will soon after their agenda is met. Now, not only are the politicians walking on the backs of the bruised, but they are dancing a jig along with every other country out there that whimpers out for help...

IF America cut the ties to all the nonsense and senseless aid going absolutely nowhere, there will be a World Wide Recession! That is not a joke! When America stops funding EVERY ONE ELSE! When the politicians stop sending our forces and resources to places all over the world. Our economy will thrive once again! If other countries cannot run with the rest, so be it!

I do believe in one of the oldest philosophies around: Survival of the Fittest!

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