Monday, April 25, 2011

In WikiLeaks we the people TRUST....

The first article of interest today can be found here: Gitmo is hit by WikiLeaks

I made a comment that so far has yielded 100% positive feedback! With time I am sure that will change! However I felt it worthy of talking about here as well!

I do not condone or condemn the wiki-leaks stuff... I have serious reservations about the accuracy of the documents that are published, I have serious issues trusting any form of government! I firmly believe that the founding fathers of this once great nation are turning over in their graves at the sight of what has happened to the country and the government that they had founded! It was a government for the people by the people. Now it is a scam to rob us of our money and freedoms while force feeding us a sense of security from those who the people in power feel are a threat.

The government is the biggest producer of paranoia and propaganda! We are spoon fed lies and injustice and we tolerate it! Then the people that we are fighting against come here, live off of our programs intended to help our people! The people here in America are not even eligible for the assistance and or resources that we tax payers make possible. We have made our selves all the more vulnerable at home due to the trillions of dollars sent everywhere else and the troops are spread so thin that there is little to no help should there be a catastrophe here at home ON American soil. I am a firm believer in just withdrawing our troops from abroad and bringing them home! If the Muslims and the Rebels and al the damaged people that want to act out as radicals want to kill each other? I am all for it! Natural selection!

I just want to see our sons and daughters of America that took and oath to defend OUR country do just that... Defend OUR COUNTRY! I want them to stand by their oath and if they are to put their lives in danger and God forbid die in the line of duty... It should be done on their native soil! I do not agree with nor do I understand how these politicians can sleep at night knowing that they convict the innocent and reward the guilty then send our country men and women to die in wars that WE the people have no business in!

Someday the law enforcement and government entities will see that we do outnumber them almost if not over 100 to 1 and I will guess it is even more than that, but in order to take a stand, we would have to stand together! That is something that Americans have lost ability and tolerance for! We let radicals kill or people. We let terrorists walk our streets. We let everything happen all because we are too deeply ingrained with prejudice and deep rooted hatred for one another that coming together as one is such a farfetched idea the people in power know they have nothing to fear!

United We Stand, Divided We Fall... Not any more... Divided We Stand, and Ignored as We Fall...

Update: It has been almost an hour or so since I posted this and I have gotten a LOT of feedback! Some good a couple bad... I have included a link that will take you directly to the article with my comments and the others feedback as well. The Updated Feedback...

Apparently Yahoo and or Big Brother is scared of what i have to say! They deleted another one of my comments! I am not letting this one GO! I am gonna fight for this one! I had 115 thumbs up and 17 down. I had 12 replies and 9 of which were positive! there was NO justification for Yahoo to remove my comment!

It is frightening that even here in America, we are losing our freedoms! GREAT! Men that founded this country are rolling ass up in their graves! The men and women that have fought, and died in defense of our freedoms and our way of life have all been in vein! YAHOO and the Media in this country is SCARED of the truth! Quick, while you can... Educate yourself before the mandate that too!

Check back, I will be posting my fight with Yahoo here!
Yahoo's Tech Support... No, Yahoo's overall LACK of support! 

Ryan: Hi! Welcome to our Yahoo! Mail Live Chat service. I'm glad you've joined us.
Ryan: Thank you for providing us the details of your issue.
Drew: I just want to know WHY my comment was removed! I have a couple other questions as well! The other question I have is: How do I find the overall rating of my comments? Thumbs up and Down for all my comments on articles?
Drew: I am VERY upset right now!
Drew: I had a LOT of feedback and I want answers
Drew: not being blown off!
Ryan: As you have mentioned, you want all your comments and all replies restored, right?
Drew: Yes
Drew: If Yahoo or whoever is upset, tough! I did NOT have enough bad ratings to remove it!
Drew: If you are not going to restore it you can at least email me the comment and the replies
Drew: I am going to migrate my postings to another site of my choosing...
Drew: However, I want those comments!
Drew: I have never gotten that much feedback whether it be thumbs up and down or even actual people commenting!
Ryan: Are you referring to the comments seen on your account's homepage?
Drew: I made a comment on the Yahoo News article... I logged in several times today
Drew: I watched it go from 3thumbs up to 117
Drew: then I was gone for about 4 - 5 hours
Drew: and I log in and the comment is GONE and the links to the replies I made to OTHER users commenting
Ryan: Let me check on my resources regarding your issue.  
Drew: that is the article that I commented on
Ryan: Hi, I’ll be right with you.
Ryan: Please hold for just a moment. Thank you.
Ryan: I will have to redirect you to our New Team to address your issue more accurately.
Drew: how long will that take?
Drew: what is this new team?
Ryan: I mean News Team. Sorry for the typo error.
Drew: fine...
Drew: so, you actually have no power or authority! You are like a politician... You are here to give me a false sense that something is being done in my favor when in all actuality I am getting hosed?
Ryan: Is there anything else I can help you with?
Drew: yes
Drew: actually
Drew: I want to know where i can look to find my overall rating
Drew: I know that there has to be a way to find how many ups vs downs that I have on my profile
Drew: I cannot find where to do that ANY WHERE!
Ryan: What overall rating are you referring to?
Drew: omg... Really? When you comment on an article... You can get replies, or Thumbs Up or Down on your comments...
Drew: I KNOW that there is a way to see what my overall rating is
Drew: I have commented on hundreds of articles over the last 6 months
Drew: and I want to know what I am rating at!
Ryan: From what part of Yahoo! did you comment, Drew?
Drew: What do you mean?
Drew: I comment on News, Music, Arts, Politics, Religion...
Drew: ANYTHING that I find interestin!
Ryan: Unfortunately, you will have to contact our News Team regarding that.
Drew: so... you are nothing more than a whipping post? How is anything you have done helped me? You have done nothing but make my blood pressure go up a few notches! You are nothing more than a glorified monkey sitting at a keyboard! WOW!

I must have struck a Nerve at Yahoo! I WON! 
I got my comments re-listed! 

Now, I feel compelled to dance and frolic like a child of the night! 

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