Wednesday, April 27, 2011

al-Qaida on the Rise, and We are Training More of Them...

Libya rebels raise concern about Islamic extremism

There was a man that was killed last week in a fight with Gadhafi's troops on a dusty road in East Libya. Gadhafi's government said he was a member of al-Qaida. However, "Mokhtar denied any connection between his group and al-Qaida, telling The Associated Press in an interview: "We only fought to free Libya."

Mokhtar was a top military commander also according to this article. He denied being associated with and or ties to al-Qaida. Well, he said it was not true so that makes it all better, right? NO! Not by any measure! I have said since the mere mention of the U.S. being brought into this that we are truly watching history repeat itself! Reagan in the 80's not only had Bin-Laden, the Reagan Administration TRAINED HIM! Armed HIM and his troops! We are doing that very same thing yet again!

I hate to be the reality check here, but what the hell is it going to take for these in-bred morons on Capitol Hill to see that we are not only bending over backwards as a country, they are breaking the backs of the tax payers for a conflict that is once again NOT OURS to be involved in! Last time this happened, they took out the Twin Towers and 5,000+ American lives. Men, Women and Children. What is next? A nuclear warhead parked in front of the White House? Maybe the blast would help the Politicians pull their heads out of their backsides and also yank their hands out of the pockets of the tax payers... Yeah, right!

Not only are we clueless to WHO the Rebels are, we have no idea of their ties, their agenda(s), and quite frankly it scares the hell out of me to think that no one in Washington D.C. knows what is going on, or if they do? No one is taking a stand to save American lives!

If we do not learn from our mistakes then we are bound to repeat history and fall into the same traps again, and again... We as a Nation have had that issue for many decades now and I am just curious if it is going to take another Quadrillion Dollars, and countless American lives be that of Soldiers and or Civilians for Washington D.C. to wake up and smell the Napalm... These extremists do not follow the rules of engagement by any means! They will scream when an innocent gets a paper cut at our doing! However I again refer to 9-11, Men, Women and Children died that day. They do not care or follow any form of rules set for Military Engagement. Which in turn begs the question, why should we?

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