Sunday, July 3, 2011

Importing Citizens? Yes, I am serious!

** ...Language Alert... **

This entry has a lot of obscene and VERY vulgar outbursts... 
I got a little testy on this one! 

There is an article on Yahoo about how the Philipinos are being rewarded with American Citizenship for fighting in Hot Zones where Americans are being pulled out of... 

I left a comment on Yahoo about that... In 20 minutes I had 2 thumbs UP and 17 Down and due to the LOW rating, my comment was hidden! 

Here is what the Lunatic said:

We are overrun and going broke at the speed of light, now we are so broke that we are fighting OTHER people's wars and rewarding the foreigners with U.S. Citizenship? What do I get if I go to their lands!? NOTHING! What makes them entitled to things HERE that I cannot get!? I am a U.S. BORN and RAISED citizen! I cannot get assistance to feed my family! I cannot get funding to go to school! To make more money so I can more effectively feed my family, and yet NOW instead of monetary rewards we are asking MORE for foreigners here!? Bring our troops home! They swore to defend our nation, NOT police the world from themselves! If this is where MY tax money is going? I want it back! I will move elsewhere! I am tired of how this country screws its own only to look good in the eyes of others!

Now, the rest of the comments are from the idiots and morons who think that they have a clue as to who I am and or WHAT I do in order to support my family and TRY and still find ways to fail to feed and provide for those who look to me...

I'll take these guys over you any day. As far as the Indians are concerned, we are ALL foreigners. You complain, they actually fight and give it their all.

Are you kidding. The Filipinos have much respect for Americans and have been our friends for a very long long time. I fact we them as a territory and gave them their indenance and supported them in WWII and they were our friends but we let them twist in the wind. I say we should give them prefence.

"i, me, my, boohoo, i'm an american citizen and i'm entitled". why don't you grow a set of balls and sign up like these filipinos. maybe the army will teach you to stop whining.

You should start By getting a job and stop crying with your hand out! 

Grow up and quit screaming for something you don't deserve just because you have a false sense of entitlement. These are patriots who are willing to lose their life to protect our Contitution and their fellow servicemen.

Bishop Johnson
YOU might have been U.S. BORN and RAISED, but what about the banana boat that brought your ancestors here? Where'd THAT come from ... surely, THEY weren't U.S. BORN

me me me me me. instead of whining GO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

The Lunatic is BACK...

Here is the the PROBLEM I see with all of these MORONS! I am American! I was BORN HERE! I pay taxes HERE! I have paid into Taxes more than HALF of my life and I have another 30+ years to go barring any issues...

Now there are these people who know NOTHING about me and accuse me of sitting here NOT working like some ghetto thug slinging crack and collecting a welfare check? REALLY!?

To all the ASSHOLES at Yahoo! I have over $45,000 in student loans debt! Why? I WENT TO COLLEGE! I am an I.T. Professional now... However my current employer is asking that I finally finish school and if I do not it has been insinuated that I will need to look for employment elsewhere...

When I went BACK to school, I was told that I cannot get any more MONEY! Cause one, I have maxed out my loans, and two... I love this reason! LOVE IT! I make too much! Really? I cannot, I repeat CANNOT get insurance! I cannot afford groceries! I cannot afford to fix my car to ensure that I can make it to work, that place that I DO go to not make enough to provide for my family but yet too much to get any assistance...

However, there are these lowlife pieces of shit that milk the government tit for EVERY damn drop they can! They deal drugs and or what ever else they do, and still collect GOVERNMENT assistance that I pay into and yet I AM NOT entitled to...


I work 2 jobs, I work anywhere from 60-75 hours a week. I also barter with people to bring in extra services needed... So, when you shit for brained retards sit there and accuse me of HOLDING MY HANDS OUT!? 


I work my ass off and what do I get to see for it? The country I live in rapidly falling into oblivion, and all these bloodsucking leaches swarming to this country, then I have to adapt to their ways HERE!? 

When the foreigners come here, they WE have to embrace THEIR ways, or get sued... REALLY!? If I go to fucking Durka-Durkastan... I will be forced to wear their garments and all of that... SO, here or there, I am NOT safe!? 

I have NO USE for the plague that is the human race! ALL YOU self righteous fucktards that are casting judgement at me? Look in the fucking mirror assmunches! 

Lunatic, OUT!

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