Saturday, June 25, 2011

Propaganda: Now Digital with Digital Delivery...

I love how there is no shame and or restrictions of these dried up old bubble-biting politicians! I opened my email tonight and saw that I was being solicited by a Senator... Really? Wow... I do not know why these morons feel they they need to waste MY bandwidth trying to persuade me! 

He did stir a reply tho... This is what I had to say to that crusty old fool:

Listen up, and LISTEN GOOD! I do NOT vote, I will NOT vote! The corporations and the electoral college decide WHO is elected! This corrupt and false sense of security that you politicians allow us to have? This process of voting? Yeah! It is a trifle attempt to let us feel like we have a say in something! The truth is, we are all stuck on a sinking ship! Nothing YOU or any other "elected joke" could ever persuade me to give you my worthless vote, nor would anyone convince me to take FOOD off the plates of my family only to help you further ruin our state and country...

I am NOT a political BACKER! I hate ALL Politicians! All of them are cut from the same cloth! I would not urinate on a politicians gums if their teeth were on fire! Got it!?

I have NO money to contribute! If I did, I would NEVER even think of contributing to the Republican party! 

I have politics! I love to argue with people over them! I love to take about how stupid all of these elected crooks are! I love my country! I hate my government!

The men and women here in the U.S. that have sworn to protect our freedoms and OUR ways of life. They took an oath to protect us from all enemies Foreign and DOMESTIC! Why are they service men and women NOT storming the capital buildings? Hmm?

WHY are the politicians still stealing from me and giving to those who DO NOT NEED!? My family is cold, sick, and hungry! When CAN I get help to provide for them?

OH I FORGOT! You are too damn busy lining YOUR pockets and help fund the ass pounding Muslim rag heads! 

I will NEVER give you 1 red cent! I would not offer you any kind of support in ANY way shape or form! I cannot wait to see the day that the politicians finally succeed in weakening the foundation of our once great nation so badly that it does crumble! I can only hope that it happens while ALL of congress is within reach of the structure!

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