Sunday, July 3, 2011

Importing Citizens? Yes, I am serious!

** ...Language Alert... **

This entry has a lot of obscene and VERY vulgar outbursts... 
I got a little testy on this one! 

There is an article on Yahoo about how the Philipinos are being rewarded with American Citizenship for fighting in Hot Zones where Americans are being pulled out of... 

I left a comment on Yahoo about that... In 20 minutes I had 2 thumbs UP and 17 Down and due to the LOW rating, my comment was hidden! 

Here is what the Lunatic said:

We are overrun and going broke at the speed of light, now we are so broke that we are fighting OTHER people's wars and rewarding the foreigners with U.S. Citizenship? What do I get if I go to their lands!? NOTHING! What makes them entitled to things HERE that I cannot get!? I am a U.S. BORN and RAISED citizen! I cannot get assistance to feed my family! I cannot get funding to go to school! To make more money so I can more effectively feed my family, and yet NOW instead of monetary rewards we are asking MORE for foreigners here!? Bring our troops home! They swore to defend our nation, NOT police the world from themselves! If this is where MY tax money is going? I want it back! I will move elsewhere! I am tired of how this country screws its own only to look good in the eyes of others!

Now, the rest of the comments are from the idiots and morons who think that they have a clue as to who I am and or WHAT I do in order to support my family and TRY and still find ways to fail to feed and provide for those who look to me...

I'll take these guys over you any day. As far as the Indians are concerned, we are ALL foreigners. You complain, they actually fight and give it their all.

Are you kidding. The Filipinos have much respect for Americans and have been our friends for a very long long time. I fact we them as a territory and gave them their indenance and supported them in WWII and they were our friends but we let them twist in the wind. I say we should give them prefence.

"i, me, my, boohoo, i'm an american citizen and i'm entitled". why don't you grow a set of balls and sign up like these filipinos. maybe the army will teach you to stop whining.

You should start By getting a job and stop crying with your hand out! 

Grow up and quit screaming for something you don't deserve just because you have a false sense of entitlement. These are patriots who are willing to lose their life to protect our Contitution and their fellow servicemen.

Bishop Johnson
YOU might have been U.S. BORN and RAISED, but what about the banana boat that brought your ancestors here? Where'd THAT come from ... surely, THEY weren't U.S. BORN

me me me me me. instead of whining GO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

The Lunatic is BACK...

Here is the the PROBLEM I see with all of these MORONS! I am American! I was BORN HERE! I pay taxes HERE! I have paid into Taxes more than HALF of my life and I have another 30+ years to go barring any issues...

Now there are these people who know NOTHING about me and accuse me of sitting here NOT working like some ghetto thug slinging crack and collecting a welfare check? REALLY!?

To all the ASSHOLES at Yahoo! I have over $45,000 in student loans debt! Why? I WENT TO COLLEGE! I am an I.T. Professional now... However my current employer is asking that I finally finish school and if I do not it has been insinuated that I will need to look for employment elsewhere...

When I went BACK to school, I was told that I cannot get any more MONEY! Cause one, I have maxed out my loans, and two... I love this reason! LOVE IT! I make too much! Really? I cannot, I repeat CANNOT get insurance! I cannot afford groceries! I cannot afford to fix my car to ensure that I can make it to work, that place that I DO go to not make enough to provide for my family but yet too much to get any assistance...

However, there are these lowlife pieces of shit that milk the government tit for EVERY damn drop they can! They deal drugs and or what ever else they do, and still collect GOVERNMENT assistance that I pay into and yet I AM NOT entitled to...


I work 2 jobs, I work anywhere from 60-75 hours a week. I also barter with people to bring in extra services needed... So, when you shit for brained retards sit there and accuse me of HOLDING MY HANDS OUT!? 


I work my ass off and what do I get to see for it? The country I live in rapidly falling into oblivion, and all these bloodsucking leaches swarming to this country, then I have to adapt to their ways HERE!? 

When the foreigners come here, they WE have to embrace THEIR ways, or get sued... REALLY!? If I go to fucking Durka-Durkastan... I will be forced to wear their garments and all of that... SO, here or there, I am NOT safe!? 

I have NO USE for the plague that is the human race! ALL YOU self righteous fucktards that are casting judgement at me? Look in the fucking mirror assmunches! 

Lunatic, OUT!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Propaganda: Now Digital with Digital Delivery...

I love how there is no shame and or restrictions of these dried up old bubble-biting politicians! I opened my email tonight and saw that I was being solicited by a Senator... Really? Wow... I do not know why these morons feel they they need to waste MY bandwidth trying to persuade me! 

He did stir a reply tho... This is what I had to say to that crusty old fool:

Listen up, and LISTEN GOOD! I do NOT vote, I will NOT vote! The corporations and the electoral college decide WHO is elected! This corrupt and false sense of security that you politicians allow us to have? This process of voting? Yeah! It is a trifle attempt to let us feel like we have a say in something! The truth is, we are all stuck on a sinking ship! Nothing YOU or any other "elected joke" could ever persuade me to give you my worthless vote, nor would anyone convince me to take FOOD off the plates of my family only to help you further ruin our state and country...

I am NOT a political BACKER! I hate ALL Politicians! All of them are cut from the same cloth! I would not urinate on a politicians gums if their teeth were on fire! Got it!?

I have NO money to contribute! If I did, I would NEVER even think of contributing to the Republican party! 

I have politics! I love to argue with people over them! I love to take about how stupid all of these elected crooks are! I love my country! I hate my government!

The men and women here in the U.S. that have sworn to protect our freedoms and OUR ways of life. They took an oath to protect us from all enemies Foreign and DOMESTIC! Why are they service men and women NOT storming the capital buildings? Hmm?

WHY are the politicians still stealing from me and giving to those who DO NOT NEED!? My family is cold, sick, and hungry! When CAN I get help to provide for them?

OH I FORGOT! You are too damn busy lining YOUR pockets and help fund the ass pounding Muslim rag heads! 

I will NEVER give you 1 red cent! I would not offer you any kind of support in ANY way shape or form! I cannot wait to see the day that the politicians finally succeed in weakening the foundation of our once great nation so badly that it does crumble! I can only hope that it happens while ALL of congress is within reach of the structure!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Category: Nobama and Congress...

Can I get "Biggest Crooks in History Alex?"

I was reading an article online about how congress overwhelmingly approved a $690 Billion budget for "Defense"...

This is the UNedited Article...

I am not going to clutter my blog with this article... I usually copy it into here and this way people are not required to look elsewhere... This time, I am NOT wasting my time! This so called budget pisses me straight off!

I posted my comment about 2 hours ago... Now, I cannot say that I ever get a lot of votes on either side, up or down, I always get at least 1 down... So far, I am 100% positive! 15 up and 0 down!

This is what Lunatic had to say:

What the HELL!? I mean, we are cutting the funds for the schools, the police, the firefighters, and who knows what else... All the while they are approving a $690 BILLION budget! WHAT IS GOING ON!?

Our kids need more teachers! Our cities NEED more police and firefighters! $690 Billion...

How many Muslim families are going to benefit from this budget? That is tax money that "We the People" did not approve. That being said, I would like my portion of that budget back! I am not supporting any foreign countries or people that would rather dance on my corpse than look me in the eye...

Monday, May 16, 2011

To Hell with Waldo! Where is Osama!?

Afghanistan's former intelligence chief says he knew Osama bin Laden was hiding in Pakistan four years ago, but Pakistan's leaders rejected his claims.

In an interview broadcast Sunday on CBS' "60 Minutes," Amrullah Saleh says Afghan intelligence thought bin Laden was in the Pakistani city of Mansehra — about 12 miles away from Abbottabad, where the terrorist leader was eventually found and killed by U.S. Navy SEALs.

Saleh has become a prominent critic of Afghan President Hamid Karzai's efforts to start peace talks with the Taliban. He says Pakistan should be recognized by the United States as "a hostile country."

He told CBS: "They take your money. They do not co-operate. They created the Taliban. They are number one in nuclear proliferation."

xX  May the Billion Dollar Rants Begin  Xx

Billions and Billions of American tax dollars sent to Pakistan... Then there was even MORE sent every year after 9/11/01. Shortly after the day that the Earth stood still the Pakistani Government swore to the American people that they would accept the responsibility and fight and crack down on any and all terrorist training camps within their borders.

What do we get in return? Again I repeat BILLIONS of tax dollars gone to a country that knowingly hid and protected the most wanted man in the world!

They have no real resources that are of any interest to the American people or tax payer. Yet we will continue to fund these back stabbing liars? Really!? The politicians are probably happy to lie next to them, most people are comfortable with their own kind. Liars and thieves helping liars and thieves… That is all fine and dandy until someone gets cheated.

When these kinds of people are dealing with one another, there are no contracts to abide by, there are no honor codes to be followed and it is merely a matter of time before the proverbial poop hits the fan!

So, in closing I am left standing here asking a simple question… “We the People” had NO say in the Pakistan Aid, what did WE get in return for our money? That my friends is the billion dollar question!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Osama's Kid Cries Foul? I Scream Douche!

A statement purporting to come from a son of Osama bin Laden denounced the al Qaeda leader's killing as "criminal" and said his burial at sea had humiliated the family, an online monitoring service said.

The statement, attributed to Omar bin Laden, bin Laden's fourth eldest son, said the al Qaeda chief's children reserved the right to take legal action in the United States and internationally to "determine the true fate of our vanished father," the SITE Intelligence Group said.

There was no independent confirmation of the authenticity of the letter, published on the website of Islamist ideologue Abu Walid al-Masri, although several specialists on militant propaganda said the text appeared genuine.Omar bin Laden, who has been based in the Gulf in recent years, did not immediately respond to emailed and telephoned requests for comment.

The letter said, in part: "We hold the American President (Barack) Obama legally responsible to clarify the fate of our father, Osama bin Laden, for it is unacceptable, humanely and religiously, to dispose of a person with such importance and status among his people, by throwing his body into the sea in that way, which demeans and humiliates his family and his supporters and which challenges religious provisions and feelings of hundreds of millions of Muslims."

The letter said the U.S. administration had offered no proof to back up its account of the mission. It alleged the goal of raid had been to kill and not arrest, adding that afterwards the American commandos had "rushed to dispose of the body."
Some Muslims have misgivings about how U.S. forces killed bin Laden in a raid in Pakistan on May 2 and disposed of his body in the ocean.

Questions have multiplied since the White House said the al Qaeda leader was unarmed when U.S. helicopter-borne commandos raided the villa where he was hiding in the city of Abbottabad.

Bin Laden's swift burial at sea, in what many Muslims say was a violation of Islamic custom, has also stirred anger.

**The Rant of a Mindful and Intolerant American Starts Now!**

Below you will read what I posted on the article... It was edited by Yahoo and so, here it is UN-touched...

Dear Omar Bin Camel-Jockey,

We here in the U.S. do not now or ever will care about YOUR opinion! Your "People" who you most likely share sever strands of DNA. It is not wonder that your people are always in a state of unrest and upheaval! You cover the women's faces due to them all looking alike and you want to image that they look different... Is it OUR fault that you rape the camels and ride off on your sisters, I mean the women? Not OUR fault! Furthermore Omar, I hope you and your family contract a raging crotch critters!

As far as your father's sea burial... Personally, I could have come up with a LOT more creative ways that would have been more fitting and a lot more fun to have disposed of that useless corpse that was once the shell of an absolute COWARD!

Best wishes and look at the bright side, you don't have to go shopping for a tie or card this year for Father's Day! Looks like we did you a favor!


Red Blooded American...

Thoughts that were not in the note... These Muslims LOOK for a reason to be pissed off! They are in a constant state of disarray and turmoil... The Camel Jockey Rag Heads can all crawl into a hole and die for all I care! I really think that no one would notice, well... Aside from the world being a lot safer and less chaotic. Whatever...

Nobama Wants to be Home in Time for Tacos!

The Yahoo Article reads:

President Obama will travel to the U.S.-Mexico border on Tuesday to lay out a blueprint for comprehensive immigration reform and attempt to restart the debate on an issue he spoke passionately about as a candidate but has made little headway on during his presidency.

In a speech in El Paso, Texas, Obama will make the case that his administration has made significant progress on border security over the last two years, answering comprehensive reform opponents' preliminary objections to tackling reform legislatively.

The Obama administration has doubled the number of patrol agents along the border and deported nearly 400,000 illegal immigrants last year—facts that the president will argue underscore that the conditions are right for a serious debate on overhauling the nation's immigration policy, administration officials said. The president will also argue that current immigration laws are keeping innovative thinkers and skilled workers from contributing to the U.S. economy.

To be sure, passing any legislation in a divided Congress faces long odds. But by simply putting the issue on the front burner, Obama's effort could help energize a constituency that will be key to the president's reelection efforts.

"There's a political consequence and what he says will go a long way in promoting enthusiasm among Hispanic voters," Rep. Charles Gonzalez, D-Tex., chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, told National Journal.

As a candidate, Obama spoke passionately about immigration reform, intoning a moral imperative to bring an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants living in the United States "out of the shadows."

Addressing the issue now could have a direct impact on the president's survival at the polls in 2012. Obama won 67 percent of the Hispanic vote in 2008, but he has been hammered by CHC members for giving immigration reform short shrift after promising on the campaign trail that he would make passing immigration reform a central part of his agenda during the first year of his presidency. CHC members have also criticized the administration for setting a new record in 2010 with 392,000 deportations.

Obama did back the Dream Act, legislation that would offer some young illegal immigrants a path to legal residency by going to college or serving the U.S. military, but an attempt to pass the legislation was blocked in Senate during the lame-duck session.

Last week, members of the CHC pressed Obama to use administrative powers to prevent deportation of illegal immigrants that would have been protected under the Dream Act, but Obama seemed hesitant to act unilaterally and told lawmakers that immigration needed to be fixed through legislation.

Hispanic groups are reminding the president that they played a large part in helping him win in 2008, and could play the difference in many battleground states in his reelection effort.

Hispanic groups are reminding the president that they played a large part in helping him win in 2008, and could play the difference in many battleground states in his reelection effort.

Obama won in 2008 despite notching just 43 percent of the white vote. With the economy foundering he could find it difficult to reach even that modest vote tally in 2012. But thanks to minority population growth in key states he won in 2008—including Florida, Nevada, and Virginia—he could still pull out victory with an even smaller segment of white voters, according to a National Journal analysis.

More than any group, Hispanics are driving the country's minority growth. One in six Americans, or about 50.5 million, is Hispanic, according to the 2010 census. That's up from one in eight, or 35.3 million, in 2000.

In his speech, Obama will try to reframe immigration reform as an economic and law-and-order issue. Administration officials said that they would also draw members of the faith-based community and business leaders into the conversation, an effort that they hope could help draw Republicans into the discussion. The White House is in the process of arranging 30 community conversations to raise the issue's profile.

"This a broken system that cannot be fixed unless Congress acts, so we do not accept the argument that since there are some in Congress that are unwilling to act that we ought to wash our hands of trying to get this done," a senior administration official said. "The president is leaning in and asking others to lean in with him." 

**The Mindful Rant Begins Here**
The input that I had is very simple! Obama just wants to reward his friends. Remember this quote.

"If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, we're gonna punish our enemies and we're gonna reward our friends" (Obama, 25 Oct 2010) It was a 25 Oct 2010 radio interview right before the election. The subject was immigration reform. Univision provided the transcript of the President’s remarks.

Obama said that the folks that supported the Arizona law and border security didn’t “represent our core American values”. 

Later in that same interview Obama asked Latinos to “punish our enemies” and “reward our friends”.

Never forget that this President looks at the majority of Americans as his “enemies”. Remember this in November 2012.

My question is how He is letting illegal’s vote now? Is that what I am getting from this? I am curious WHY the hell I am supposed to sit idly by and watch my tax dollars sent overseas and now to a failing country and its citizens jumping the border into the country I was born and raised in! The Mexicans can STAY home and do their damage SOUTH of our borders! Why would Nobama worry about immigration reform? Oh, that is right cause he has turned to EVERY OTHER classification and been rejected and has watched his numbers drop at an alarming speed and now he is jumping on the last resort band wagon...

I can see the 2012 Slogan now: Vote for ME and BE(come) an American!

Nobama is shoveling our resources and economy out to every other country faster than Congress and collect it. Interesting tactic...

Looking back at the 2008 election his slogan was: “Yes We Can!” I must admit I did not hear the question... Was someone asking: "Is it POSSIBLE to bankrupt the American Economy?"

His response: "YES, WE CAN!"

And in closing... Yes, he is...

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Pakistan is Calling Shots Now? WHAT!?

ISLAMABAD – Pakistan warned America Thursday of "disastrous consequences" if it carries out any more raids against terrorists like the one that killed Osama bin Laden, and hit back at international allegations it may have been harboring the al-Qaida chief.

But the government in Islamabad stopped short of labeling Monday's helicopter raid on bin Laden's compound an illegal operation and insisted relations between Washington and Islamabad remained on course.
With calls from some U.S. lawmakers to cut aid to Pakistan following the raid, the European Union said it would not turn its back on the nuclear-armed nation that is seen by many as key to helping negotiate an end to the war in Afghanistan.

The army and the government have come under criticism domestically for allowing the country's sovereignty to be violated. Some critics have expressed doubts about government claims that it was not aware of the raid until after it was over or scolded it for not reacting quickly enough and shooting down the helicopters.
Foreign Secretary Salman Bashir's remarks seemed to be aimed chiefly at addressing that criticism.

"The Pakistan security forces are neither incompetent nor negligent about their sacred duty to protect Pakistan," he told reporters. "There shall not be any doubt that any repetition of such an act will have disastrous consequences," he said.

Bashir repeated Pakistani claims that it did not know anything about the raid until it was too late to stop it. He said the army scrambled two F-16 fighter jets when it was aware that foreign helicopters were hovering over the city of Abbottabad, not far from the capital Islamabad, but they apparently did not get to the choppers on time.

American officials have said they didn't inform Pakistan in advance, fearing bin Laden could be tipped off.
Elements of Pakistan's army and Inter-Services Intelligence agency have long been suspected of maintaining links to Islamist militants, mostly for use as proxies in Afghanistan and Pakistan. While the country has worked with the United States to arrest many al-Qaida operatives since 2001, suspicion lingers it is playing a double game.

The leaders of Britain and France, as well as U.S. officials, have said Pakistan has questions to answer over bin Laden's location in a large house close to an army academy in a garrison town.

Bashir said it was "absolutely wrong" to blame the ISI. "After all there was information within the U.S. system about those who were ultimately, eventually responsible for the 9/11 (attacks), so it's not for me to say that the U.S. government or the CIA failed to prevent that," he said.

While some U.S. lawmakers have taken a tough line, President Barack Obama and other American officials have been more cautious, realizing that downgrading or severing ties with the country would be risky.
Bashir said perceptions that Pakistan's ties with Washington were at rock bottom were untrue.

"We acknowledge the United States is an important friend," he said. "Basically Pakistan and U.S. relations are moving in the right direction."

EU spokesman Michael Mann said Thursday "there can be no doubt" Pakistan would remain an important partner in the region even amid the allegations.

 **Rants From the Lunatic Start Here **

Pakistan has a lot of gull! I mean those people must clank when they walk! They are knowingly housing the most wanted man in the world, and he is hold up in a rather extensive bunker/compound. If anyone there or here expects me to believe that was built and occupied by ANYONE and no one there knew or noticed, I will scream LIES from some place very high for the all in the world to hear me!

The Pakistan government has been funded by US here in the U.S. for what? What could Pakistan actually have that is of any use, purpose, or value to the United States? Not too much that I know of! I have looked and they are NOT an oil producing country! They heavily rely on their textile plants for a source of income as their primary export to other countries.

After September 11, 2001, Pakistan's prominence in the international community increased significantly, as it pledged its alliance with the U.S. in counterterrorism efforts and made a commitment to eliminate terrorist camps on its territory.

If they pledge to end terror camps, I guess that would exclude compounds and mansions… Loop holes in international law as well?

Pakistan has taken all they can from the U.S. and then I am sure SOMEONE got their palm closed on some serious money to look the other way while the compound was built, fortified, and then eventually occupied. I am truly baffled at how the Pakistan leaders can take our money to help end world terror and then turn right around and take bin Laden’s to hide him.

I refuse to believe that bin Laden was hiding for practically 10 years and NO ONE knew… Someone did, either they were bought, or dealt with… Either way there is so much going on beneath the surface we the people will NEVER hear of or know about…