Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Nobama's Political Renewal? You Cannot Polish a Turd!

President Obama's declaration late Sunday night that U.S. forces in Pakistan had killed Osama bin Laden will likely prove one of the most significant moments in his presidency. Speaking from the White House's East Room shortly before midnight EST, the president offered the nation a long-desired moment of closure nearly a decade after the horrors of the 9/11 attacks.

"Tonight, let us think back to the sense of unity that prevailed on 9/11. I know that it has, at times, frayed," Obama declared in announcing bin Laden's death. "Yet today's achievement is a testament to the greatness of our country and the determination of the American people … We are once again reminded that America can do whatever we set our mind to."

Obama was careful not to gloat about the breakthrough for the struggle against Islamist terrorism--indeed, he went so far as to praise to his predecessor, former President George W. Bush, who Obama had frequently assailed for bungling that struggle on the 2008 campaign trail. At the same time, though, as the smoke begins to clear from this pivotal moment, a no-less significant question lingers: How will the al Qaeda leader's death alter the nation's political landscape, especially ahead of next year's 2012 presidential campaign?

The short answer, of course, is that it's far too early to say for sure. To be sure, as news cameras capture footage of cheering crowds across party lines gathering to celebrate bin Laden's demise, Obama seems almost certain to experience a bump in national approval for his handling of the situation. And the country's mood--usually measured in so-called "right track/wrong track" numbers--will likewise trend upward with a major shot of good news after weeks of angst over issues such as rising gas prices and the struggling economy.

And as the president gears up for his 2012 re-election bid, he can take assurance in his ability to brandish a significant foreign policy achievement: He personally signed off on a mission to capture the world's most wanted terrorist, and it was successful. Obama will be certain to remind voters about that milestone at every opportunity--knowing that it's bound to loom larger in the public mind than the last several months' worth of hand-wringing among candidates and pundits over this administration's approach to Libya and the tumultuous war in Afghanistan.

Many of Obama's likely GOP rivals in 2012 have lambasted him in recent weeks as a president with a weak foreign-policy dossier. But last night, some of his potential opponents--including Tim Pawlenty and Mitt Romney--carefully offered Obama praise for his handling of the bin Laden operation.
"In the hours after the 9/11 attacks, President Bush promised that America would bring Osama bin Laden to justice--and we did," Pawlenty said in a statement. "I want to congratulate America's armed forces and President Obama for a job well done. Let history show that the perseverance of the US military and the American people never wavered."

In a message posted on Facebook, Romney called bin Laden's death a "great victory great victory for lovers of freedom and justice everywhere." "Congratulations to our intelligence community, our military and the president," he wrote.

But not all GOP candidates were as gracious. In separate messages on Twitter and Facebook, Sarah Palin made no mention of Obama, instead praising the military. "Thank you, American men and women in uniform. You are America's finest and we are all so proud," she wrote. "Thank you for fighting against terrorism."
However, political history also offers some important cautions about how short-lived such victories can be in the heat of a re-election effort. Take, for example, former President George H.W. Bush's sky-high poll numbers in the aftermath of the successful 1991 Gulf War, which made him seem virtually unbeatable by his likely Democratic opponents.

But as the 1992 campaign drew closer, Bush 41's numbers steadily dropped, and he lost his bid for a second term, thanks mostly to public anxiety over the struggling economy--an issue that also seems likely to dominate the upcoming 2012 campaign, at least for now.

In policy terms, too, the administration seems averse to gloating over the legacy of his historic moment. Last night, Obama made clear in his remarks that the war on terror is far from over--and that bin Laden's death doesn't mean an end to threats to the nation. "His death does not mark the end of our effort," the president warned. "There's no doubt that al Qaeda will continue to pursue attacks against us ... The cause of securing our country is not complete."

** My Rant Begins here**

The text above was copied from another Yahoo comment... I tried 11 times to post the comment below. It would not let me for whatever reason! People say I am paranoid and that the government does not control the media... Yeah, I will believe that just as soon as someone shows me indisputable evidence that man has actually been to and ON the Moon... So, in short, I will NOT hold my breath on this!

Political renewal for Nobama? The death of Bin Laden is truly a victory for the U.S. and one that should be cherished! I however find this to be too neat and clean of a pill to swallow! Nobama stood up Sunday night and announced the death of Bin Laden. This was odne on the anniversary date of the announcement that Hitler was found and confirmed to be dead as well. Coincidence? I think not! I truly believe that the government knew his whereabouts a long time ago. With Nobama's ratings in the dumpster and him clawing his way out of any amount political bashing he can, I am actually wondering if this is nothing more than a publicity stunt that was orchestrated to get him back into the good graces of the American voters... Just food for thought!

Ah, Feedback from the Sheep in line for Slaughter:

A Yahoo user with the handle: Werd was one of 4 people to give me a thumbs down... Then he felt compelled to write: "Woah, you are out there!"

Me being me and having felt as tho a sheep in line for slaughter is questioning my thought process, I had this to say in response:

So, what is new? People are so afraid of my thoughts that are against the grain and I for one will never take information that is broadcast at face value. I like to research and find meaning and truth to the things I see! There are 2 sides to every story! The truly blind and ignorant will continue to follow the word and voice of the elected few. While I will continue to ask for proof of their claims and reason behind their propaganda! 

To the Yahoo User going by the ID of Werd... You think I am out there? Good to hear your opinion! It is. It is people like you who make the world go round! You will keep your blinders on as you continuously trot with their lead and you wait for their direction! I will never fall into that training and or trap! I have the thirst for knowledge that you apparently lack! I hope you will find it in your mind someday to actually question authority and the mainstream! 

Politics and Religion are the 2 arenas where more propaganda and even more hypocrisy are practiced, pushed and blindly followed! The Sheppard's that will have you believe and blindly follow will lead you a slaughter every time! When I get in line for something, I am one of the FEW that will ask questions and continue to do so until I find an answer that fits the situation. Not too often will any one of power accomplish that feat!

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